Thursday, January 29, 2009

Save The Obama Drama For Your Baby Momma

The man whom I turned my back on.
Look at that tie too

I am starting the blog. I think it could do me good to get some of these issues off of my chest. So enough of the cliche' "this is why I am blogging" crap and on to the real issue at hand.
I need to discuss the new president Barack Obama. I agree that it is a huge moment in U.S. history that we have just elected our first black president. BUT let us move on from the fact that he is black and not Bush. Since November I have had a feeling that something is not quite right. You see, I voted for Mr. Obama but I am a republican. I felt almost ashamed after voting for Obama after betraying the groundwork set in place by a young Alex P. Keaton. I am a young "Reaganite" but abandoned those Ideals for the more exciting candidate. It is only now as I find myself nearly drowning in an ocean of Obama inaugural tears that I can see the truth! Believe me. I want Obama to succeed. I want America to recover but after 2 weeks Obama has shown me nothing more than the same old "crap" that Washington has to offer. An appended laundry list of complaints:

1."No Lobbyists" his transition team was loaded with lobbyists and now the man Timothy Geithner wants as his top aid is a lobbyist for Goldman Sachs.
2. Timothy Geithner is guilty of a felony for tax evasion. But has been appointed to one of the more important positions in Washington.
3. This "Stimulus" Package is not a stimulus at all. Until public outcry the bill include funding for things like govt cars, Sod, Birth control.
4. The money used for the Stimulus is our money not Washington's. And there is empirical evidence that no matter how hard you try to spend your way out of a recession you can't!
5. Maybe the most disturbing one for me. In the bill there is 145 billion for health care which pushes the agenda of socialized health care. I disagree with this very much but that is not the point. The point is the pres is pushing this through an emergency stimulus bill. "Pork" which he also promised wouldn't happen!

Sorry for this Political rant. I promise that future posts will be a little less dry.

"You cannot build a reputation on what you are going to do" - Henry Ford