Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Positive Rant...for once.

I am not going to complain at all during this post just a list of things I am really enjoying at the moment. OK, well I might complain a little. I am a little upset that I haven't seen any live music in a long time. For those of you who know me you know that I am an avid fan of music with the exception being Country.
1. I am loving Amazon.com Everything is so much cheaper. If you find something you love, anything, more than likely you will find it cheaper on Amazon.
2. My snow blower. I think it still may be broken because I have to go backwards for it to work properly but it still beats the hell out of shoveling my widow maker of a driveway.
3. This stuff is awesome! Just add water shake and poor. You have pancakes quicker than you could ever imagine.
4.Lean red meat, medium rare.
5. A list of songs that I can't get enough.

Psychotic Girl by the Black Keys
Electric Feel by MGMT
On Tour With Zykos by Okkervil River
Black Mags by The Cool Kids
Boulevard by Dick Prall (from Des Moines now in Chicago and will perform in DSM in April)
It's a Curse by Wolf Parade
Pip Pip by The Envy Corps (from Des Moines)

Hopefully anyone of these bands will be playing the 80/35 festival in Des Moines this summer.

Just so this post is not all warm and fuzzy. February SUCKS! I rank it 13th of all the months. We get it it's winter. Lets move on!

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